How to choose the best gaming keyboard for your PS4?
Gaming consoles have come a long way since they were invented. Nowadays, the consoles you can find on the market are very capable machines that can provide you with an amazing gaming experience. Traditionally, when...
How to wave in Messenger? Easy guide to wave Effortlessly in 2022
How to wave in Messenger, you asked? Well, it's quite simple if you know how to do it. But it could be tricky and confusing. Facebook has ditched the Nearby feature and has introduced the Wave...
3 methods to Deslide any website & get rid of slideshows forever
Want to deslide the slideshow on a website?I hate it when I have to go to the next page to read an article on the internet. These websites are evil that shows slides on...
5 Best ways to screenshot Instagram story without getting caught
Want to screenshot Instagram story without notifying the original poster? Yes, now you can. From June 2018, Instagram is no longer notifying the original poster if anyone takes a screenshot of the story. But this is...
What is CQATest App & 5 ways to resolve CQA Test App Issues
CQATest: Certified Quality Auditor TestDoes the CQATest app has suddenly appeared on your device? Is your phone not responding correctly, and some of your settings are changed?Don't worry; you have not installed a virus...